Interesting site promoting the launch of new beer Zoogami. Based around the idea of ‘contemporary’, the site acts as a mash up of digital media – video, sound, and images all related to a search term that you provide. In the end you get a sequence of images, videos, and music given a treatment with colours, with it all moving in time with the music. It gets images from the web, sound/music from YouTube and video from Google Video. There is a gallery of saved searches, and even a Facebook Application. Sadly they all end with the same treatment, also it takes an extremely long time to load, and when there isn’t enough content it always uses the same images from some image resource – so after 2 times of making a new sequence you see a lot of the same things. Interesting idea, nice to see a brand experimenting with ‘contemporary’ digital ideas…
Created by Saatchi & Saatchi Rome.
Website here…