Category Archives: @jam3

Nuclear Dissent

By | @jam3 | No Comments

Interactive documentary chronicling the testing of nuclear weapons. Fascinating combination of first person simulated VR / 3D videos, first hand testimonies, and history as told by those who were there. Beautifully crafted experience that really takes you there, and gives a multimedia overview of the history of these world ending weapons.

Created by Jam3 (@jam3).

Site here…

Mustang Customizer

By | @jam3 | No Comments


Fantastic 3D customizer to allow people to customize a range of Ford Mustangs. Love the detail and fidelity of the experience, from the amazing 3D model that renders wonderfully in browser that you can rotate and view from any angle. Love the way they have integrated the hotspots to allow you change options on the range of equipment and features. Taking cues from video games – and integrating slick transitions – makes for a playful and fantastically polished experience.

Created by Jam 3 (@jam3).

Site here…

Lincoln Musical Selfie

By | @jam3 | No Comments


Interesting site for Lincoln cars, using the contours and shape of your face to make a ‘musical selfie’. Simply upload your image / take a snapshot or view the gallery – the site will pick up key features of your face and arrange a song. The main thing I like here is the execution, it looks great – from the sliding mechanic in the gallery to the small animations and attention to detail. They have really made it feel alive and dynamic, and even tried to treat the uncertainty of user generated content, by making sure the imagery looks good, like the 3D moving shapes around the corner of the images.

Created by Jam3 (@jam3) and Hudson Rouge (@HudsonRouge).

Site here…


By | @jam3 | No Comments


Lovely new site for Jam3, Toronto based digital agency. Fully responsive, but the desktop variant is alive with lots of animations and transitions that bring to life a lot of the work. So much attention to detail and craft has gone into and it shows! The project pages are interesting and well formatted, and the animations bring it life. Lovely, dynamic example of a responsive agency site.

Created by Jam3 (@jam3).

Site here…

Denon Visualiser

By | @jam3, WEBSITES | No Comments

Promoting the launch of a range of Denon headphones this campaign site visualises how it might feel in an interesting way. Using the frequency analyser to map the range and volume of frequencies animating to music – all applied to faces wearing the headphones. Love the approach and the detailed view of the headphones, again the 3d parallax comes into effect.

Created by BBDO New York (@BBDONY) and Jam3 (@jam3).

Site here…