Monthly Archives: March 2009

Viva Positivamente – Coca Cola

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Viva Positivamente - Coca Cola

Site promoting Coca Cola and their social and environmental work in South & Latin America. Really nice, clean, simple site featuring a showcase of projects Coke have been involved with. Featuring a 3d interface, each category has little cards which float around forming a shape, i.e. a coke bottle, a globe and so on. Really slick, smooth 3d interface, well designed buttons and loads of attention to detail. 

Created by Gringo.

Website here…

Kikonashi Hoop

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hoop clothing

Site promoting Japanese online clothing store Hoop. What I like is the user interaction and unique way of browsing products, using a nice drag and drop metaphor for shopping in the real world, you can flow through the available products and pick and drag any item into your own shopping rack – for purchase later. But it’s the polish and interactivity that really makes it, feels very tactile and becomes quite fun to pick up items, which react to your mouse movement in a ‘realistic’ way.

Website here…

Pearl Jam 10

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pearl jam 10

Site promoting a re-release of Pearl Jam’s album 10. Featuring a 3d puzzle game, where you have to drag the blocks into the correct place to unlock tracks to listen to. I like the polish of the 3d element, nice lighting and interesting way of interaction, grabbing the blocks and dragging them around, dragging your view around, it all feels quite intuitive.

Created by Freedom & Partners.

Website here…

Kenjiro Harigai

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kenjiro harigai

Portfolio of Japanese creative Kenjiro Harigai. Some really nice things in here, presented in an interesting way – all of his work is neatly packed in together with all of it scrolling slowly to the left, on rollover the images fade up, enlarge and overlay the montage. It’s a nice way to present a lot of work in an engaging manner…

Website here…

+1 Music

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plus1 music

Very simple site of +1 Music, who create special events to promote artists. Nice way of navigating, you can scroll all over, by clicking on work the respective section opens up and places all the information on screen, leaving you to scroll around at will, zooming in/out of videos and photos. Cool interaction and interface design, simple, effective and to the point.

Created by Kuro.

Website here…

Reserved: Adventures of the Stardust Girl

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Site promoting Polish label Reserved. Resembling an interactive print ad, a sequence of nicely shot video and photos show off the latest clothing line. Laid out much like a magazine, when you click on a photo, it goes fullscreen, on a video it takes you to the next ‘scene’, this all provides a cool montage. There are other options from the menu, to see the collection, which again is laid out in a similar way.  Very simple interface, with nice visuals and a gentle style of animation and quite an intriguing story…

Created by huncwot.

Website here…

K Space – K Swiss

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k swiss k space

Very slick site promoting K Swiss products, asking the questions ‘who wears K Swiss now?’. With 14 celebrities each with short video clips and photos, talking about their lives, similar in format to the recent Nike site featured on this blog. What I like is the production value, nicely shot videos and photos, all in b&w, very slick interaction, and more 3d interfaces! Nice depth perception and depth of field effects on the gallery of the celebrities and their photographs. Nice design and interface, great animation and interactivity which all helps to bring it alive, particularly like the way the camera moves around the scene and the great design.

Created by Perfect Fools.

Website here…

Internavi Realization – Honda

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honda internavi

Site promoting Honda’s Internavi GPS system. One part of the site visualises the ‘neuron road’ concept, whereby the car fitted with the Internavi system constantly communicates GPS coordinates, showing a simple animated map of various Japanese city roads, which you can pan around and zoom in / out of. Another really nice feature is a time lapse drive of a coastal road to illustrate the fact the Internavi system has a ‘scenic route’ mode which searches for the most scenic roads for you. Again I dig the simplicity of the Japanese style, it seems for like an inspired ‘art’ project than a promotional site, but pretty cool visualisations. Lots of nice interactions and attention to detail, you can also download the screensaver for each…

Created by Dentsu, Semitransparent, Metaphor, and Shipoo.

Website here…

Freedom & Partners

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freedom & partners

New portfolio site of agency Freedom & Partners. Going for the 3D interface design, Freedom have created a very minimal, well crafted portfolio site, highlighting their work in an innovative way. With information presented on the various axis, you can view 3d animations and videos of their work, along with the standard text desciptions, whereby you move your view around by clicking and dragging to see all parts of a project. There is also a non-3d version, which ironically I found harder to use, it’s quite a daring approach to take for an agency portfolio, as the interface is a little clunky and fiddly. Aside from that it’s great to see a different approach, with an original approach to interface design, pretty cool…

Website here…

Armani Jeans

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armani jeans

Interesting new site of Armani Jeans. Presented in a very cool way – from a first person perspective, you are given a 360 degree view as you run around with models wearing Armani Jeans clothing, with the action stopping at intervals so you can view the products and view the catalogue and so on. What I like is the way the ‘video’ is presented with you being able to look around as your view and the actors move through the environment. It’s a very simple site with an interesting way to show the product line ‘in situ’, with a very cool interface, very clever.

Created by Saatchi & Saatchi Rome.

Site here…


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Fantastic site of Portugese agency Nossa. The attention to detail and polish in this site has really got to be experienced to be believed, really incredible. For example when you look at their work, each case happens to be part of fully interactive physics engine. Look at their location, Google maps is fully integrated into the interface. All the rollovers / buttons / user actions are thought about, the whole site is well laid out and designed, it really is a shining example of a great portfolio site… very impressive…

Site here…


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beams clothing

Site promoting Beams, specifically Women’s clothing 25th anniversary. A very simple interface showing thumbs of the items, when you click on an item they have used a really nice way of zooming in/out of the photo. You hold down your mouse button to zoom in / pan around (with the item slightly rotating on left/right movement) and let go to zoom out, complete with nice little sound fx. Again another typically Japanese site design, where the interface and interaction design is top notch, the site is fun and simple  to use.

Website here…

Churaumi Hakken – Okinawa Aquarium

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Okinawa Aquarium

Nice site, promoting the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan. Simply using videos from YouTube that feature videos made at the aquarium, made special by forming the shape of a ‘shark’, which swims gracefully through the ocean. Lovely music and sound, the interface is minimal and typically Japanese, all combined it gives a nice feeling! The combination of a fluid moving ocean creature composed of YouTube videos is quite mesmerising, and gives a positive feeling that is amplified when you see the videos of people amazed by the animals they are filming. As it uses tags from YouTube the content of the videos stays fresh. Really pretty damn cool…

Created by Asahi Advertising.

Site here…