Monthly Archives: February 2014

Il était une forêt – l’Expédition

By | @JulesBassoleil | No Comments


Site for Wild Touch – an expedition into tropical forests on a quest of discovery. Lots of short films, photographs and so on – all exploring their findings. All wrapped up in a nice minimal interface, lots of attention to detail – from preloaders, the film scrubber, and slick transitions. Nice full bleed video and rollovers on the hub pages – a nice immersive experience.

Created by Tim Roussilhe (@TimRoussilhe), Jules Bassoleil (@JulesBassoleil), and Wild Touch (@wild_touch).

Site here…

Sonia Rykiel – S/S 2014

By | @84Paris_live | No Comments


Another great piece of work for Sonia Rykiel, this time revealing their pre Spring / Summer 2014 collection. Loads of super slick animations and transitions and details, especially like the little preloaders in different styles and positions – never overlaid across the visuals. The transitions from the grid to the detail view are pretty cool, and the way you see more tiles on the grid is great.

Created by 84 Paris (@84Paris_live).

Site here…

Artificial Rome

By | @artificialrome | No Comments




Site of German digital agency Artificial Rome. Nice offset grid style layout, and an interesting way of having elements ‘stick’ to the top of the browser as you scroll, providing context for what you are viewing. Some nice transitions here and there, but on the whole quite minimal and considered. I like the amount of white space and the layout which creates interest as you scroll the page.

Created by Artificial Rome (@artificialrome).

Site here…

Graffiti General

By | @betcdigital | No Comments


Site allowing you to explore an abandoned graffiti clad building in a suburb of Paris. Hi-res photos have been taken of the walls and mapped onto 3d models of the interior, the site allows you to walk around and your mouse to change your view with the keyboard controlling where you walk. There are featured famous graffiti artists with small hotspots indicating where they are. Nice attention to detail in the 3d scenes, with light streams, and dust particles and so on. You can jump around and explore using the map, and even paint on the walls in an editor type mode. Very detailed and fun to explore.

Created by BETC Digital (@betcdigital).

Site here…

The Source – Doug Aitken

By | @useallfive | No Comments


A series of interviews with artists spanning various disciplines. Really interesting layout and interactions used here, love the multi-layered approach, offering a sense of depth. Zooming in/out of the layout gives different layers of information, particularly like the menu – which shows a summary of how long the interview is – also like the way you can select a category of interview i.e. process, chaos etc. Really slick motion and transitions, and it’s great to see a site that isn’t a simple parallax scroller page. Full of rich interactivity and a nice take on a video site.

Created by Use All Five (@useallfive) and Active Theory (@active_theory).

Site here…

Huge Inc

By | @hugeinc | No Comments


New responsive portfolio site of agency Huge Inc. Really stripped back and to the point, I like the homepage where the 3 best / latest projects are shown – all within or featured around a giant ‘H’. The featured projects give across a hint of the work and the process, like the key stats section. Love the menu – large overlay with big typography and a pink overlay – really cool.

Created by Huge Inc (@hugeinc).

Site here….

Hello Monday

By | @hellomondaycom | No Comments


New site of agency Hello Monday. Really simple and minimal, and responds nicely to layout changes. Simple animations add a nice element of movement when you visit the different projects, and the story told for each project is interesting. Nice images and nicely flowing design create the pages, all in all a nice example of an agency portfolio.

Created by Hello Monday (@hellomondaycom).

Site here…