Daily Archives: January 26, 2009


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Really incredible interactive comic book, set in the future world of NAWLZ, described as ‘an experiment in interactive story-telling.’, it really is quite great (to experience it best you really need your speakers / headphones on). Basically an interactive story set alongside animation and sound design, which is all combined to make an immersive experience. The level of detail is amazing, everything has a multitude of layers and really great illustration… 

But what really makes it great is the way it works, you choose to progress the story, along with it comes the animation and the great sound design, together with all so much detail. It all really feels very fresh but also a hawk back to ‘good old days’ of experimentation, new design and progression, reminds me a lot of the earlier Hi-Res! days. Totally awesome…

Created by SUTU (Stuart Campbell).

Website here…