Monthly Archives: May 2017

Web VR experiments

By | @google | No Comments

Some really interesting Web VR experiments ranging from sonic umbrellas, ping pong, through to speak to go. The depth and detail of these experiments is incredible. really interesting to play with the various aspects of interacting with a headset on using sound and space to prompt interactions.

Created by Google Creative Lab (@google) and various partners.

Site here…

Sidewalk Labs

By | @sidewalklabs | No Comments

Site for Alphabet’s Sidewalk Labs, research group dedicated to changing the cities of the future. Really love the approach of explaining the mission through easy to digest videos, problem statements, and short article like pieces. It is also beautifully designed, with large type, editorial style layouts, all with thoughtful transitions and interactions. Great example of a modern site explaining complex ideas and concepts.

Created by Sidewalk Labs (@sidewalklabs).

Site here…


By | @hlemtr0n | No Comments

Site of London based record label Whities. Simple mechanic of scrolling through artists – love the way the background transitions – and tapping through to reveal videos and so on, love the way the windows layer. Really simple and enjoyable mechanic that keeps your context. Looks great, nice minimal design.

Created by Alex McCullough and Lemuel Dix (@hlemtr0n).

Site here…

Timeline Gallery

By | @webdesign | No Comments

Interesting UI for exploring the latest updates for the concept of the Timeline Gallery in the Netherlands. Navigate the content by tapping on the individual cards – with the latest at the front of the stack, oldest at the back. Really simple, interesting, and exploratory way of presenting content.

Site here…