Folio of photographer David William Baum – based out of the US. Clean and minimal layout, with flourishes of motion and interactivity, particularly enjoy the transition from the gallery to projects and the simple tap to proceed transitions. Nice example of a clean, modern folio.
Created by Tim Roussilhe (@TimRoussilhe)
Site here…
Portfolio of Bethany Heck a multi-disciplinary designer, writer, and Design Lead. Love the detail and background for each of the case studies, love the mix of content too, from in-depth case studies, to articles, exploration etc – lovely pastiche of work. Great to see folios of Design Leadership like this. All wrapped up in a lovely site too.
Created by Bethany Heck (@eephusleague)
Site here…
NASA’s photography archive analysed and group by ML into interesting clusters, editorialised by machines. Fascinating concept to make a huge photo library more browsable, by using sorting mechanics to spot similarities and group subjects together. Love the slideshow-esque exploration of themes which takes you through some fascinating themes. Very exploratory interface, with a smart search function, and fun to browse dive deeper on range of topics.
Created by Google Arts & Culture (@googlearts).
Slick folio site of Anthony Goodwin Creative Director / Art Director – and his refreshed portfolio. Minimal and well considered layout which transitions nicely into project pages with a satisfying ripple / bounce. Great body of work and nice attention to detail like the little cursor ‘bump’ along the material-esque background.
Created by Design Embraced (@DesignEmbraced)
Beautiful experience “The Atlas of Moons” that offers an immersive and fascinating glimpse of the moons orbiting the planets in our solar system. The editorial experience parallels that of their magazines and reminds me of the fascinating book ‘Atlas of Remote Islands: Fifty Islands I Have Never Set Foot On and Never Will’. Love the use of 3D here to offer a draggable ‘map’ of each of the major moons, but to also highlight the orbit of the planets and moons. The level of detail is incredible – love the ability to map states in the US to see and relate the scale.
Created by National Geographic (@NatGeo).
Site of photographer Fabian Ferdinand Fallend based in Berlin and Linz. Love the bold type and personality throughout, nice detail on the scrolling mechanics in the project pages, and interesting use a grid. .
Created by Spatzek Studio (@dnlsptzk).
Site of Matsu a cut vegetable factory in Kanazawa, Japan!
Best described by the creators, “When thinking about “What is human value?” From now on, the value of “manual work” and “skills using the human body” and “human imagination” that can change the cut to the person who eats will increase I thought. Therefore, it is possible to experience the immersive feeling when cutting vegetables on a website. Tell the fun and value of cut vegetables.”
Love the scrolling progression through the stop motion style animation.
Site of 3D artist Anoukia Perry. Very simple and elegant site, but love the way the simple interactions, scrolling, zooming etc add so much movement and dynamism into the overall experience. Unique type and colour combination too.
Created by Saint Roman (@saintromanst).
Site of creative management Atomo, with a focus on the fashion industry. Love the amorphous rolling homepage with gliding and fading photography, this transitions down into a grid of featured projects and the people they represent. Beautifully crafted.
Created by Bureau Cool (@BureauCool).
Site of Lundqvist & Dallyn, Uk based design studio with a focus on Brand Identity and Art Direction. Minimal and elegant, leading with large imagery and plenty of white space, subtle transitions and colour fades bring a subtle sense of dynamism.
Created by Lundqvist & Dallyn (@lundqvistdallyn).
Playful celebration site of US agency Zero. Love the bold type set against inverted white on black styling, with parallax effect on the photography and type. Love the fun cursor replacement to explore the imagery. Lots of personality weaved into a fresh modern experience with an amazing feel of depth.
Created by Zero Studio (@Zerostudiosnyc).
Interactive documentary telling the story of an abducted school girl and the trackers that searched for her. Beautifully crafted site that allows you to explore the scenes to uncover the story through the eyes of the trackers. Mix of video, 3D, typography, audio narrative and storytelling – great example of interactive storytelling.
Created by SBS Online (@SBS).
Site of painter Florian Monfrini – elegant and stylistic expression of the paintings. Love the large bold type and the subtle scrolling effect inside the imagery which adds a wonderful dimension of depth. Minimal but elegant and well crafted.
Created by Martin Silvestre (@martinsilvestre) and Ari Benoist (@AriBenoist).
Beautiful 3D comic book celebrating the beginning of 2019. Told through the eyes of a nomadic tribe leaving their island, small delightful interactive 3D scenes encourage interactivity. Detailed and well crafted, love all the delightful interactive vignettes.
Created by Make Me Pulse (@makemepulse).