Daily Archives: February 11, 2009

Noodle on Noodle – Aim for Space!

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noodle on noodle

Really cool website, promoting Japanese Cup Noodles – in Japan. From a google earth-esque viewpoint users stack up pots of cup noodles with the aim of reaching space. Really simple idea, really nicely executed – you can watch other users stack up pots and see their mouse cursors and watch how they interact with the site. The screen refreshes with each newly stacked noodle pot, you can also drag a slider to the right to zoom right down to the bottom or where the stack is currently. Typically Japanese style minimal interface and clean slick interaction, looks great too – bit of a cultural nod to the google earth interface, nicely angled to bring out the full ‘stack’ of noodle pots. Really awesome…

Created by Dentsu and Dentsu Razorfish.

Website here…